Upward Bound
Academic Year Services

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Upward Bound offers a variety of services to 9th – 12th grade students who identify as low-income and/or first-generation-to-college in order to support their successful pursuit of a four-year college education. All services are free to accepted students attending Overbrook, Parkway-West, Sayre or West Philadelphia high schools.

Tutoring and Study Space
Upward Bound offers tutoring through a partnership with The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the academic year and is available to all students. Upward Bound students with GPAs below 2.5 or grades in any subject of a C or below are required to attend tutoring until improvement is demonstrated. All students are also invited to use the space to focus on homework, work on college applications, and study with their peers in a college environment.

College Visits
One of the most important components of the Upward Bound program is visiting colleges in Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, and out-of-state. Students gain valuable insight comparing private schools, state-affiliated schools, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Upward Bound students visit at least four schools during the academic year and up to six through the summer program.

Community Service
Each year Upward Bound provides 4-5 service opportunities for students. Students spend this time working at homeless shelters, helping package and distribute food, and spending time beautifying local schools. Our partners in community service include the Share Program, Philabundance, Cradles to Crayons and Broad Street Ministries.
Join Our UB Family
We would love to see you involved. Upward Bound offers a wide array of services to Philadelphia public high school students including opportunities for pairing with a college mentor, tutoring and studying assistance, and even off-campus trips.