Professional Programs
High-Quality Learning Experiences for Professionals
Penn offers over 200 Pipeline Programs for students and community members of all ages.
Annenberg School for Communication
Penn Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowships
Gilbert Seldes Multimodal Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate School of Education (GSE)
Teachers Institute of Philadelphia (TIP)
Global Institute for Human Rights (GIHR)
Toll Public Interest Center (TPIC)
Perelman School of Medicine
AMP Visiting Clerkship in Psychiatry
Bridging the Gaps Clinical (BTG) Program
Department of General Surgery Penn URM Visiting Clerkship
Penn URM Visiting Clerkship Program
Visiting Clerkship Programs for Students Underrepresented in Medicine (UIM VCP)
School of Arts and Sciences
Penn-STARTALK Chinese Teacher Advancement Program
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Google Explore Computer Science Research (CSR)
Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture (IoT4Ag) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
School of Dental Medicine
Post-Graduate Externship Program (Penn Residency Education Preparation and Support Program)
School of Social Policy & Practice
Pipeline for Promise
School of Veterinary Medicine
SUMMER VETS (Veterinary Exploration Through Science)
Canine First Aid & CPR
Gambia Goat Dairy (GGD)
Internship Opportunities in the Penn Vet Equine Pharmacology Laboratory and PETRL
Martin Luther King Day of Service Wellness and Vaccination Clinic
One-Health Clinic Through Delaware Humane Association
University Libraries
Research Data & Digital Scholarship
Summer Undergraduate Minority Research Program (SUMR)